Advent: A Season of Contemplation, Presence, and Preparation
Join us on a sacred journey in preparation for Christmas
Advent Invitation video with Daniel Harmon
See details on these opportunities below:
The Center for Living Water is sharing unique offerings to tend your soul this Advent season. These four weeks leading to Christmas are a time of contemplation and sacred preparation—a time to be present to the incarnation of holy presence in our world each day. We are excited to share three opportunities to meaningfully engage and connect this Advent Season:
Trust What is Being Born Practice Series
A weekly meditative practice with Katie Harmon-Mclaughlin. Recorded in 2020, these practices are all available now.
Lectio Divina Advent Practice Series
A weekly Lectio Divina, or Dwelling in the Word, practice, led by Community of Christ members around the world. (Published each week of Advent on this page).
Live-Streamed Musical Experience: Holy Night
On December 19 at 7 PM Central Time, we will live-stream a musical Advent worship experience at the Community of Christ Temple.
Holy Night
A reflective, musical journey through darkness in preparation for Christmas
If you were unable to be present on December 19 for the meditative Advent worship we live-streamed, you are still able to participate by experiencing the archived video. It is available on youtube and facebook. May we be moved and stirred in your continued preparation for Christmas.
Weekly Lectio Divina Spiritual Practice
Each week of Advent, a new Lectio Divina practice will be shared by Community of Christ Spiritual Formation Ministries. The final practice is a reflection for Christmas Day led by Community of Christ President Steve Veazey. These practices can be accessed weekly on this page, and by following Community of Christ on Facebook.
Advent Lectio Divina Week 1
Advent Lectio Divina Week 3
Advent Lectio Divina Week 2
Advent Lectio Divina Week 4
A Weekly Advent practice series
This four part series offers a meditation for each week of Advent. This year, Advent begins on November 28. You are invited to spend time listening to these guided meditations each week, and consider the companion documents for deeper reflection. May these practices stir you to trust what is being born this Christmas Season.
Listen to Weekly Practices
View Companion Documents